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Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness - Blog | Assurance Wireless

Learn how to prepare for emergencies with this quick guide. Stay connected through the Lifeline Program’s free Smartphone and service.

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Be Prepared: Stay Connected & Stay Safe During Emergencies

September is National Emergency Preparedness Month. It's a great time to make sure you and your loved ones are ready for potential emergencies. Whether it’s fires, hurricanes, floods or power outages, having a plan can make a big difference. Use this guide to safely prepare and stay connected during emergencies with help from our free Smartphone plan.

Step 1: Make an Emergency Plan

Having an emergency plan is the first step to staying safe. Here’s how you can make one:

  • Organize important papers: Keep your important documents, like ID and insurance papers, in a safe place, such as a fireproof box. Make sure they’re easy to grab if you need to leave quickly. Use your Smartphone to take a photo of each document as backup and keep them in your Notes app or Google Keep app for easy access.
  • Make a contact list: Write down the phone numbers of your family, friends, neighbors and doctors. Keep this list on your phone and add important emergency numbers as contacts for easy access.
  • Create a communication plan: Talk with your family and friends about how you’ll stay in touch if the power goes out or you get separated. Practice what you’ll do, so everyone knows the plan.
  • Pack an emergency kit: Put together a kit with things you might need, like medicine for a week, food, water, a can opener, blankets, a first-aid kit, a whistle to call for help and a walking device if needed. Don’t forget a phone charger or an external battery pack in case the power goes out. Keep the kit in a spot that’s easy to reach.

Step 2: Stay Connected With Technology

Technology can help you stay safe and informed during an emergency. Here’s how to use it:

  • Make digital checklists: Use your Smartphone to make a list of what to do in an emergency. You can write your list in a notes app, set reminders or download an app that helps you keep track of your plan.
  • Use communication apps: Download apps like Nextdoor to connect with your neighbors. These apps let you ask for help, check on others and get local updates during an emergency.
  • Connect over video: Did you know you can video call loved ones across different operating systems, like iPhone and Android? Use social media apps, such as Facebook Messenger, for a visual connection. Video calls can be very helpful for things like showing how to relight a pilot light.
  • Lifeline Program: Make sure your loved ones and neighbors have a reliable way to communicate. The Lifeline program offers free Smartphone and data services, which can be critical during emergencies. See if they’re eligible and help them apply if needed.
  • Stay informed: Make sure you have weather apps and local news alerts on your phone. The FEMA app is a great tool for getting the latest information on emergency conditions and what you should do.

Step 3: Build a Community Support Network

Being connected to others can help you stay safe during an emergency. Here’s how to build a strong support network:

  • Meet your neighbors: Get to know the people who live near you. Keep an eye out for those who might need extra help during an emergency. If you need help, ask a neighbor to be your local emergency contact. Share phone numbers and check on each other, especially if you live in an area prone to natural disasters. Even a text goes a long way.
  • Get your family involved: Ask your family to help with your emergency plan. Whether it’s packing the emergency kit or practicing the communication plan, everyone should be part of it. Start a family group chat to make sure everyone is on the same page.
  • Know your local resources: Learn about local emergency services and shelters. Know where to go and who to contact if you need help during an emergency. You can search on your Smartphone to locate these resources.

Special Tips for Caregivers

If you’re taking care of an elderly loved one, your role is crucial in making sure they stay safe during an emergency. Here are some extra steps you can take:

  • Know their needs: Make a list of your loved one’s medical needs, including medications, dietary restrictions and mobility aids. Keep this list handy on your phone in case you need to share it with emergency responders or others who might assist during an evacuation.
  • Prepare for mobility challenges: If your loved one has difficulty moving around, plan how you will help them evacuate quickly. Practice using any equipment, like wheelchairs or walkers, to ensure you’re ready to assist them safely.
  • Create a caregiver backup plan: Identify other people who can help care for your loved one if you’re unable to do so. Share the emergency plan with them, and make sure they know where to find important documents, medications and the emergency kit.
  • Stay informed together: Make sure both you and your loved one have access to emergency alerts. Keep your phone charged and consider a backup battery or power bank. You can also set up alerts on your loved one’s Smartphone to keep them informed.
  • Check on them regularly: During emergencies, check in with your loved one frequently. If you don’t live with them, arrange regular phone calls or use video chat to make sure they’re safe and have everything they need.

​Be Prepared, Not Scared

Emergencies can be scary, but with the right preparation, you can handle them with confidence. Take the time now to get ready, so you can feel safe and secure knowing that you and your loved ones are protected.

You, a family member, a neighbor or a friend may be eligible for the Lifeline Program and a free Smartphone and service. We’re here to help everyone stay connected and safe in case of any emergency.

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