Celebrating Single Parents
Build connections with the Assurance Wireless cell phone service plan. Use these tips to help single moms and dads in your community, your online communities or yourself.

Single Parents: The Superheroes of Parenthood!
According to Pew Research and the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 1 in 4* children in the United States is being raised by a single parent, and a whopping 80 percent** of these single-parent families are headed by single mothers! With so many in our communities being raised by the solo artists of parenthood, single parents deserve all our praise, attention and celebration.
Today, we cheer single parents everywhere and all they do to raise the next generation. We’ve created a list of ways to support the single parents in your life and a summary of resources for all the single parents out there. If you’re a single parent, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
4 Ways to Help Single Moms and Dads
Single parents navigate challenges that require tremendous strength and resilience, often without asking for help. Between childcare, work, home maintenance and bill paying, there’s a lot to juggle! Here are 4 ways you can take some of the weight off their shoulders.
1. Offer to run errands for them.
Send your friend or neighbor a text message to ask for a list of errands they need to run. Make your way to the grocery store, pharmacy or post office and knock something off the to-do list that’s been hanging over their heads.
2. Volunteer to babysit on a weekend night.
All parents need a night out from time to time and this might be doubly so for single parents. Hiring a babysitter can be expensive and nerve-wracking for some parents—by offering to handle childcare duties for the evening, you eliminate both stressors and allow your friend to take some much needed me-time.
3. Make them a nice meal or bake a sweet treat.
There’s a reason so many people show their generosity through food—it’s personal, takes time and effort and provides nourishment. You’re sure to make someone’s week by handling dinner one evening or dropping off a delicious dessert. If you can make a large portion of food, they can even freeze it and enjoy it several times. What parent doesn’t love an easy answer to the daily question, "What’s for dinner?"
Life-Changing Resources for Single Parents
If you’re a single parent, you may not be aware how many people are in your corner cheering you on! There are many resources available to make your life a bit easier. From financial assistance to support groups, here are some programs and organizations to consider if you need additional help.
1. Government food programs
There are several food assistance programs available from the US government, including: The Emergency Food Assistance Program for low-income families and individuals, National School Lunch Program for reduced-cost school lunches, Summer Food Service Program for continued meal support during school breaks, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) for new mothers and/or their children up to age 5 and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for grocery shopping.
These programs require applications, so be sure to apply as soon as you need assistance. There are also income level requirements for many.
2. Nonprofits dedicated to single parents
Throughout the US, there are local, regional and national nonprofits that specialize in helping single parents and their families. A few major ones include The Single Parent Project, HOPE, Inc. and Parents Without Partners. The Single Parent Project offers financial support and programs to keep parents on the right path, HOPE, Inc. provides programs to help single parents become self-sufficient and Parents Without Partners provides emotional support for both parents and children.
3. Medical and housing support
Next to food, housing and medical care are two vital necessities to take care of yourself and your children. Just like the food assistance programs, there are housing and medical programs offered nationally. Medicaid is specifically designed for low-income families. Eligibility differs state by state, so make sure to check your state’s Medicaid website. Additionally, InsureKidsNow is available for children and teens to receive low-cost health insurance.
For help with bills, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) offers energy grants and help to single parents. Section 8 Housing via the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a popular option for single parents that helps you pay a portion of rent to a private landlord. This type of support is in high demand, so it’s critical that you apply as soon as possible and know the necessary steps.
Join the Single Parent Community Online
While in-person support is wonderful, it may be difficult to find others who relate to what you are experiencing. That’s where online communities can be very powerful. You can find countless online groups, networks and websites that allow you to connect directly with other single parents, either virtually or in-person.
You can use your phone to explore these online options and start joining groups relevant to you with your free cell service from Assurance Wireless. It’s never been easier to find your community, discover peer advice and get help from those going through the single parent journey.
If you need a phone, phone service and minutes, and most importantly, CONNECTION, you may be eligible for Assurance Wireless service.