Easier ACP Application
Applying for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) doesn’t have to be daunting. Check out these helpful hints from Assurance Wireless!

Get Ready…Get Set…Done!
Use these Helpful Hints to Ease Your ACP Application
With a little preparation, applying for the government’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) may be a lot easier than you might think. And it’s well worth the effort, because free internet access, and free cell phone service from Assurance Wireless may await you at the end.
The key to a better experience is to know what’s needed ahead of time. Gather your documents and information before you start filling out the ACP program application. Keep everything handy so you can forge ahead without constantly stopping to find necessary information. For example, you can prepare by having the following:
- Proof of your identity. Be ready to give the last four digits of your Social Security number or your Tribal Identification number on the application form. Alternatively, you can use a photo or scanned copy of another government ID, such as a driver’s license, military ID or passport. If you choose to use a photo or scanned copy, be sure the image is clear, and you can read all of the information from your ID. Then, upload or send the picture along with your application.
- Proof of your dependent’s identity (if necessary). You only need this information if you plan to qualify for ACP through a child's or dependent's participation in a qualifying program. You can use the same forms of identification that you used for yourself.
- Proof that you already participate in one of a specified list of government assistance programs. It’s easy to prove you're eligible for ACP if you, your child, or your dependent are enrolled in a program like Medicaid, WIC or SNAP. You just have to show it! Find an official document that verifies your participation—a benefit statement or approval letter. Then, make a copy or take a picture of it to include with your ACP application. As with your ID, be sure the photo is clear and readable.
- Evidence of your annual household income. You can also qualify for the ACP benefit based on your household income. You’ll be asked (“yes” or “no”) whether your household income is the same or less than certain dollar amounts. You will have to show proof of income—like a tax return or three consecutive pay stubs—so be prepared to take a clearly readable picture of those documents as well. Upload or send the picture along with your application form.
Keep in mind that only one person per household can receive the ACP benefit. The ACP program defines a household as a group of people who live together and share income and expenses, even if they are not related to each other. To determine what makes up a household, a worksheet is available. You’ll be required to fill out the worksheet if there is another household at your address that is already enrolled in the ACP or Lifeline programs.
As a leading provider of ACP service, Assurance Wireless is committed to helping people achieve connections without worry. Just knowing what to expect can make all the difference! So, click below to learn more about the Assurance Wireless free government cell phone service or to apply today.